Emissions Reporting Tool Map

This is a map of methane emissions reported by citizens on the emissions reporting tool.
By default, only reports from today (Toronto time) are shown. If you want to see reports from the past, scroll down to "Display Past Dates".

Map Information

One icon represents a high level of methane reported in that spot. The severity of the smell is represented by the colour of the icon. Clicking on each icon will tell you the date and time the report was submitted.
A blue icon that signifies no smell. A green icon that signifies a mild smell. An orange icon that signifies a moderate smell. A red icon that signifies a severe smell.
No smell Mild smell Moderate smell Severe smell
A dark purple icon that signifies a known source of methane emissions. A dark purple icon represents a known source of methane emissions. Clicking on each icon will tell you the name of the source and the type of emitter it is.

Display Past Dates